Shell Point Included in Phase III NRDA Projects.
Governor Rick Scott announced the third set of Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) restoration projects to mitigate damages from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Included in the 28 projects is the Shell Point Beach Nourishment Project which the design was developed by MRD Associates (MRD) and presented in the report entitled "Shell Point, Wakulla County, Florida, Feasibility Study and Beach Management Plan", dated August 1, 2008. The proposed nourishment project would consist of the placement of approximately 15,000 cubic yards of sand on the beach from an approved upland borrow area to widen the berm to enhance the recreational and ecological value of the dry sand beach. The approximate length of the beach is one mile with an area of about 4.5 acres. The estimated cost of the Shell Point Beach Nourishment project is $882,750.