Alligator Point Erosion Control Project
The 2.9 mile beach and dune restoration project constructed with 1.7 million cubic yards of sand obtained from an offshore borrow area. The re-nourishment interval is estimated at 6 to 8 years consisting of approximately 600,000 cubic yards of sand. The feasibility study was completed within 9-months which included a shoreline and volume change analysis, and a calibrated modeling effort to develop a sediment budget to gain an in-depth understanding of the coastal processes and influence of an existing revetment along the study shoreline, an economic analysis, assessment of compliance with regulatory agencies rules and environmental assessment. In addition, MRD conducted a sand assessment on existing sand source data and information which included compatibility analysis, overfill ratios, estimate of available volume, borrow area delineation, project performance and cost estimates. The project was advanced to final design and permitting which all tasks were completed within the 18-month schedule.
Challenges that were resolved during permitting included the development and approval of a “Debris Removal Plan” for the 16,500 tons of material within the project limits. In addition, construction during Marine Turtle and Shorebird nesting season was approved by the USFWS and FWC by developing a comprehensive monitoring and relocation program. To expedite the bidding and project construction, MRD prepared the Construction Drawings and Specifications while processing the permits. This allowed the Bid Documents to be released concurrently with the issuance of the permits. Bids came in within the County’s budget and a dredging contractor was selected.